Monday, 2 December 2013

Words will be just words

Hi, It's been awhile now since I posted a new blog nor write one as drafts. I don't know whether to tell all the things that I have experienced and learn through all those missed months of not blogging, shall I just go straight to the point and make this easier for us? Though I prefer to rant in here so hold on tight, because this will be a longggggggg post.

I have so many thoughts that needed to be opened up to everyone. Why do we label people? As if they're a brand. We're not a brand nor we are not words that people describe us. We're human being, we make mistakes, we cry, we laugh, we smile, in short we have our own emotions. Just because someone said you're not good enough doesn't mean you aren't. Just because someone told you to quit doesn't mean you should. Just because someone told you to open that door and never come back doesn't mean you should. Just because someone told you you're not worth it doesn't mean you aren't. You are more than those words that people use to define you,  you are worth the love you are receiving, you are more than those people who can't do anything but dictate your life as if they got a hold of it. YOU are the only person who can control your life, your mind, and how to accept those criticism from other people BUT NEVER LET THEM DEFINE YOU.

We can't control what other people thinks of us, whether we like it or not, whether its good or bad. We can just go on with our life, move on, forgive people and be positive, because if you know who you really are then it shouldn't matter what anyone says.

You know what I think? People are like snowflakes at first glance its just a solid form of water but when you look closely enough, you'll learn to appreciate its own beauty. Thats like us, we humans tend to jump into conclusion basing people on the outside not even bothering to look closely enough and try hard enough to get to know the person first. I guess its human nature now, is it. We vindicate people as if we are the bigger person, we always say things that aren't meant to be said out loud and caused other people's pain. We never think about the consequence for speaking wrongly and unmannered to others. We always think that it would make us cool if we just be the badass to point out someone while our own fingers is not neat nor clean from mistakenly try to be perfect. If you don't have anything nice to say, its better to sealed shut your mouth.

Example, if you were in a crowded room with full of people you know, there will always be that one person who dislikes you. If its full of people who hates you, at least one person likes you. Thats the reality, we should accept it that not everyone will understand us, not everyone will like us. But don't focus on the negative side, let the people say what they want. They like you? GOOD , they don't like you? GOOD. You shouldn't based your happiness on other people specially let them put you down.

We see other people as friends, lover, sister and a stranger, does that mean we have a say in their life? No. As for you NO ONE HAS A SAY IN YOUR LIFE BUT YOU, ONLY YOU. You need to find your own common ground, you need to live your life and start living positively.

Have a great december lovely's :)

Thursday, 10 October 2013


This was a mistake, to write an awfully personal blog post but it's a rightful and courageous mistake that I have made or should I say making since I'm still in the process of writing this as you read. Anyway, I have come to terms to take a big step, to step out of my comfort zone. To end the misery between my conscience and physical self, I was also contemplating wether I'm making the right choice for myself, instead I find myself to be exact opposite of what my mom would do, I don't call myself running away to face the problem which is not true, I prefer calling this 'facing the bigger problem' and I can't deny that it's selfish of me to make this decision but its what my heart and mind tells me to do, so I did. You all maybe confuse on what I am talking about but maybe at the right time you might find out about this, though to all those people who know what I'm talking about and some who I told disagree and find this childish, I'm not sorry. I will stand on my own without your relevant opinion. To those people who have accept my decision, thank you for understanding me through all those years we have shared together, that now I see how precious your presence is, I know I've been an awful friends to some of you, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm not the friend you wanted me to be, but I'm not sorry for being myself even for the couple of years we have shared you would probably tell who you are.

This decision that I suddenly pop up into all your face, might confuse you, but I did it for myself. I wanted to grow as a person not only as a student and a daughter, I want to explore this world and find all the answer to the unanswered questions. Believe me, I have been thinking about this lately, for more than year and right now may not be the best time but It will be better, I know it will.

Rather than spending my 5 hours into a chaotic world with no direction, I wanted it to be more splendid and worth telling someday, and sitting on the same position everyday wont help me grow.

Anyway this blog post is supposed to be long but to make it short and worth reading, I just wanted to open a topic that I've been trying to open, I know, I know. I've lost a lot of people, friends to be exact I guess you should just carry on with your life and let them carry with theirs. In a matter of time and place you'll find out who your true friends are, and those people are the one who's there when you need them the most [too cliche, i know] So I'm thanking all those people who have been there for me, you know who you are. Thank you for letting me grow and wiser.

To my mom and dad, I'm sorry if I ever let you down. Thank you for being so supportive through all the sudden decision that I've been making lately but I hope you know why I'm doing this, I can't thank you enough, thank you, thank you. I love you <3

Monday, 16 September 2013

Tag A Friend

I asked my friends to write down some of the questions they have always wanted to ask me, so here it goes.

1. Do you want another brother or sister?
- To be honest I'm open and welcome to have one, that would be amazing.

2. Can I have one of your cats? I want safira!! 
- It's a no for me, ((I mean it)

3.Why is your name jackie?
- Ask my mom, I really don't know what my name means

4. Why do you like k-pop so much? 
- Exo is actually the first k-pop I ever like, It was a funny story but to sum it up...
once upon a boring day where I'm too lazy to go out and socialise with people, I opened a tab and
search some new good music on youtube and then *bammm* I saw the 2nd teaser for their first debut then the rest is history

5. You own 5 boys, can I have one? 
- Yadda! Yadda! wait, are you talking about one direction? Because its still no for me.

6. Why are you so cute?
- My parents have a good genes I guess? nah I'm kidding but whoever you are thank you!

7. You're so rich, can I be your P.A?
- I'm laughing, I really hate this kind of topic and I'm not rich lmao

8. Are you obsessed with books like Percy Jackson or something like that?
- Yes, I'm actually a bookworm, you'll find me most of the time reading a book or listening to music or
just being weird yeah

9. What is your favourite song? Why?
- this is really hard, I mean you can't just pick one favourite from a million songs plus I'm a music addict
so I can't choose one but as a dare I'll pick 'Every Road' by The Maine, I can really see myself growing up traveling around the world and this song is just perfect I can't even describe it.

10. Do you ever get mad at me? Why?
- I'm gonna be honest, I have a short temper but that doesn't mean I get mad easily. We may have a fight or just a misunderstanding but I don't really hold grudges to anyone. ((maybe the time where you left me hanging while the whole class is against me? I don't really know?)) Life is too short :)

11. Someone told me you're a rich kid. Can you share it with us? haha
- I'm not lmao I don't know why you guys always think that.

12. Do you love me? Why or Why not?
- I literally love everyone, I always focus on the positive side of people so don't ask why!

13. Who is your most unforgettable friend in high school? Just pick one :)
- I can't just pick one, because If I do one or two might get jealous and I honestly think all of my friends
are unforgettable, how can you forget those faces when you always see them everyday lmao.

14. Why are you so clingy?
- I don't know If I should be offended or not about this? But anyway I'm just clingy and If ever we're close you might understand that, thats how I show a friend that I care for them and I'm just plain annoying (I know right)

15. Among the 12 Exo Superpower which one do you want? Why?
- this is really easy I would pick Suho's superpower or maybe Lay? Since I was a child I would ask myself if I can breathe under water for more than 2 minutes, I tried once and luckily I didn't get drown so phew! And for Lay, I just want to know how it feels to be a unicorn, that would be grand.

16. Just pick one, you can't say both. Safira or Sky? And why do you like cats so much? 
What about dogs?
- HOW DARE YOU??? ugh skyfira yup. I love cats and you should never doubt my love for cats, they're too cute and fluffy and you just want to squeeze them haha, I like dogs but I love cats.

17. When did you start blogging?
- I started blogging last year. :)

18. Can I be your Model for your blog? hahaha Joke!
- haha hello, maybe? If ever I need someone I might take you up on that.

19. Did you ever fall in love?
- Have you seen and heard Harry Styles? well that explains all

20. You love me? Mean it! Jagiyaa!<3
-Only one person call me jagiya! hmm I love youuuuu bah!

21. Of all the concerts you'd attended, what is the most unforgettable one? Why?
- All the concerts I've gone to, it was all unforgettable and it's really hard to choose one. 2 concerts? okay 2 unforgettable concert would probably be "Demi Lovato" and "Kpop Republic" Demi was amazing and her vocals was just wow she's an angel sent from above. And kpop republic because my babies finally noticed me and not just twice so yeah.

22. Who among the fictional character you most ship? choose only one
-I can't! I have a long list of my otp okay? *sigh* Fourtris? Clace? Augustus and Hazel? Malec? Percabeth? Wessa? ugh I don't know, this is frustrating.

23. How did you come up with blogging? What makes you want to blog?
- As a lazy teenager that I am, writing is my escape and it just makes me feel free. But as day goes by, I start feeling a little positive about everything, I want to be the voice, not just for myself but for a lot of people so yeah, in short this is a big step from my shell and comfort zone.

24. Who among the guys ever had the biggest part on you? Who did the largest unforgettable thing?
- I would say One Direction but I choose my Dad, He was there from the start and still is, he's the only man who knows me more than I know myself, I know this is like far from what you are expecting me to say because obviously the question is in form of past tense but anyway my dad will alway be my number one man :)

25. Favourite Sport and Favourite Movie?
- Tennis, baseball and football
- This is hard, anyway my favourite movie(s) Pretty In Pink, Grease, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Parent Trap, The Breakfast Club, The Mortal Instruments, Percy Jackson and The Notebook I know they're slightly old.

26. Favourite book series? Why?
- Percy Jackson series, I just love how the concept and the writing is so different from any other books and I just can't get enough of percy.

27. What's your secret for having such a perfect hair?
- Thanks! I guess I don't usually comb it? No seriously, I never comb my hair.

28. Night or Day? Why?
- Night, I'm in love with stars, and at night you can just look up in the sky and dream about floating in the universe, see how the sky at night resemble the universe so much, all those shinning stars. Nights are magical and you can notice the beauty of the city up on the hill.

29. Do you collect anything?
- Yes, Snow globes I am addicted to snow globes since forever.

30. Who is someone you look up to and why?
- My mom, not to be too cliche picking someone I know my whole life. I chose my mom because I know how hard working she is, and at some point I would ask myself 'if my mom were in my situation what would she do?' and I really think she's amazing.

Thats all, thank you to all those people who participate to this tag-a-friend blog of mine. Bea, Irish, Hannah, Kylie, Jaira, Rachel, Alyson, Khristine, Pam, Jefferey, Mervill, Tim, Jessa, Shan and Cheen.

I love you guys!

Friday, 13 September 2013

Every Road

I'm sorry for my lack of post, Its seems like I'm too lazy to write anything. I may not have anything
inspiring to say that can tickle your fancy. I have been going for awhile asking myself if I should
watch 'Steve Job' or not because lately I've been lacking a lot of words to say nor productive things to do in my daily life and since steve job is one of my inspiration to do my best in life I decided to watch
it online which I don't even feel guilty about.

"build a life" a simple word but it stuck to me, I can't help but let these words drilled into the deepest
of my mind can go, I was still in awe of Steve Job's words. He can say 'life' and 'cat' in one sentence and it will mean a thousand meaning to everyone. So pretty much this post is inspired by him.

A lot of people at my age are still contemplating which path should they choose, the practical one or their dreams, I think as one of the many teenager who oath to be a professional someday, you should do what makes you happy even have a small business like coffee shop, no one should stop you from achieving what you want in life, and no one has to say in that. 

I have words that I have always wanted to say, I wanted to be heard, I want to stand up firmly on the ground and say things that I mean. I want to inspire people to do their best.

My mind can't seem to stop thinking and screaming internally inside, even the voice of my own can't be heard while all the echo of every teenage rebel are overpowering the whole world. 

Knowing my opinion can't be taken seriously by most of the people, I will still say what I want, I have the right to voice out my own opinion and it's no one's right to judge me by it. 

If you want to try something for awhile now but scared to fail I suggest you do it ~ don't be afraid of trying, as long as you try your best then thats enough, though I live by the words "sometimes trying your best is not enough" If I were to give you a good advice I might crack up a little bit and shook my head and say "you don't need advice, you need to understand yourself and just go for it" I was never that cliche girl who always have the advice in my pocket wherever I go, yes I live for all the wise words that wise man once said but for me you just need a little push.

Write whatever you want, do whatever makes you smile or take a lot of photos as you can to save up some memories, just do it as long as you do it for yourself.

Instead of sitting on your couch stuffing yourself and completely complaining everyday, go out and live your life, don't waste a minute nor a second of your life doing nothing while you can do what you love.

As much as possible I don't want this post to be overly preachy and I don't want this to come off as if I'm bragging my rights to others. As what they say you're only younger than you are yesterday, so don't sulk around and be a lazy teenager (though i know that me, myself is a lazy teen too)

Go chase your dreams, don't be afraid to get judged by what you do, keep your head held high, for once you should look ahead of yours and see the greatest things in life that you had forgotten. Nobody can stop you from chasing your dreams or for doing what you love. Do what you can with what you have, be what you want, don't let the social media stop you for being who you are. If you make mistakes, then so what? We're human we all make mistakes but that doesn't mean life stops for us. Life won't wait for you, you need to move your feet forward and start doing your thing.

Don't let the expectation of others pressured you on doing the things that makes you happy, write what you feel, even if it's not meaningful and philosophical. Stay true to yourself no matter how many times people try to changed you.

- Because some people will and you will only let yourself dragged down into a pit of massive breakdown of crashing your own dream. Have a little faith on yourself, if you think you can do it, you can.

In all that is being said, I want you to start moving. Build your own life, don't let anyone or anything stop you from doing what you want. Be yourself (too cliche) but I promise you, you'll achieve your goals if you take it one step at time and surely but slowly you will set another goal. 

Do it for yourself not for the rights of bragging or impressing other people, DO IT BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT

Let your mind set into positive stuffs even if it's reading a good book or hanging out with people you love. Stay positive, I know it seems so hard to do so sometimes but when life hands you lemon you make lemonade. 

3 things that I learned in life.
First - life isn't always about being successful. There are a lot of things out there, that you can enjoy doing with no benefits of being successful. Before you achieve the top you need
to fail, fail, fail and fail.  

Second - Life won't stop for you. Instead of sitting in front of your computer screen and waiting for a miracle to happen, do something. Life wont stop for you, it wont wait for you. You're just letting a day pass you by.

Third - Have a little faith, I know there are no good scientific logic that proved that there is a man above us, but for me inside my heart that there is. Be thankful and never forget to remind your love ones that you love them.

I want you to start going after your life goals and be happy with who you are. Nothing will ever happen if you keep putting it off. Today is the day, do it now rather than tomorrow or the next day after tomorrow. This is such a big world to explore, go on a adventure if you want, try finding your own passion and discover new things. I don't want you to be stuck in just one place, I want you guys to see the good things that life has to offer, if you decided to see it then you will.

I want you to not overwork yourself from thinking that, 'it will only be a dream' stop saying it, stop saying that. Start doing it, prove yourself wrong because the only one who is stoping you is yourself.
Don't make excuses, hell, don't say any negative stuffs from now on, make yourself a positive person, you can do it. I believe in you.

Thats been a hell of a long post. Anyway to say at least my outfit seems to be getting more stylish now don't they? So I got my jumper? (idk) crop top and combat boots from F21. Theire new clothes and new styles are getting into me real hard though some of their shades aren't that good but for some reason I found 2 good shades. As you guys know, I received my package from nasty gal and I can't wait to wear my sweater, it's so soft and wow the fabric is really good so tune in for a new blog ;) 

Monday, 8 July 2013

Growing Up & Letting Go

I can't believe that I am actually writing this post for everyone to see, but it was not my intention for anyone to believe everything that I will say and nor I don't want people to point out fingers to each other after this, but since I haven't gotten myself up from the grave of may and june I am now pouring my hearts out to this blog post. These pass few months, there are times where I can't help but think about how much I've grown into a girl with flowers in her hair and candy in her hands to a girl who've yet to explore the world, how time flies, people change and things get complicated as I struggle to find the right notes to my organs and violins. It's sad, sad to think about that in your past there are people there who are still waiting for you to enclose your closure again but too bad it's not the right path for you to take, no more. 

There seems to come a time in everyones life when special friends starts to drop like files.
I can't help but feel vulnerable when it comes to letting people go, It feels like theres a tie knot that was now untangled, and it only means that its time to let go of those people who are now finding their own path but the sad part is that they didn't take a piece of you with them only shattered memories from the broken glass of bliss. It's sad that it become part of you to just trust everyone else you meet even how much some people caused you pain.

As my parents daughter, I know what love means in different opinion of others. I've been surrounded with big love and happy people on my entire 15 years of existence but also, I can't deny that there are times where some certain people rain on my parade and put back all the shattered glass on the floor for me to yet fix again. It anguishes me to see how this world can be, maybe sometimes... just sometimes.

I don't know why I am writing this, It's taking all the courage in me to write a post but since I didn't know who to let out my feelings then I take this as an exception. Either I choose to let my feelings go or its now or never... and I think I made my choice since I am writing this, sad and very dramatic post.
Again, as I've said many times now I am now a 15 years old child (yes, I still called myself a child) but that doesn't mean I am full grown up, I know for a fact that I still have so many things to learn and to do  , I'm trying my best to be the person I've wanted to meet on the near future and I have yet to meet the real world after I graduated. Pretty much the real life hasn't started for me and yet I am here full of unsaid feelings and thoughts that I have kept for myself this pass few years. I've learn to let go, thats a good start of the real world, you need to let some things go for you to see a whole new perspective, you may not know its better than the first one. One cannot harm you for the rest of your lives but sorrow does. Take a risk, thats a two for two for me, I always tried to be spontaneous about everything I do, its keeping me hype and happy even when my day wasn't.

Okay so back to 'letting some people go' I know that a lot of you have that special friend you treasure the most and now have gone through a different way. These people came to you unannounced and leave the same trials, you feel like some part of you is now missing. You'll miss the gossip or the games you two play or whatever the hell you two loves to do, it doesn't matter. They will leave you a little broken inside and the fact that, that person leaves without saying good-bye is the hardest part of letting people go. You know that feeling where you're 2 years of friendship who feels like a family to you start to dissolve, we're left with no instruction to reset everything all at once again. No more movie nights, no more good morning text or no more memories to make, because thats the last station for your journey with that person, it hurts trust me but its sometimes the only way to move on with your own life.

Friendship just dies. Here today gone tomorrow, thats life its scary how things work and how easy it is for someone to come and go in your life as if you're not a permanent home for them. But there are far more good things for you to focus on so why keep blaming yourself from something that was once taught you to love who you are. Respect the relationship you have with those people because someday you will look back to this day and laugh at how stupid you are to actually think its all your fault. 

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Forever Favorites

Finally the wait is over and I can now download "Lets be animals" by downtown fiction, I've been waiting for like forever to download this album and now I'm in love with it. Overall the track list my all time favourite would be "a wonderful surprise" and "thanks for nothing"

I think we all agreed that this is one of the most amazing album out there. I just love its up beat and something about this album makes me feel so delighted and contended. My favourite song from this album would probably be "Fallen" or "Amsterdam"

YES, guys YES its 'this century' and  probably you guys know my love for this band and I am so happy that I finally have their new album, probably I say this to all the album but I'M OFFICIALLY IN AWE at them for doing this phenomenal album. I love them. My favourite track would be ALL, yeah.

Oh baby's, I can't even describe this album I mean I've been waiting for this to come out and now *BOOM* here it is, a perfection that was made by perfect people. They've worked so hard for this and I really, really love how hard working the band are. When I first heard the very first track/song I know that moment that this band have gone to being rad to legend. They're so carefree and they just love what they're doing, they're so down to earth and very, very passionate about making their own music.
So to everyone who have read this blog, get your own copy of all this album in store and iTunes. I promise, you wont regret it. :)

Friday, 7 June 2013


Yes, guys as you can see I have another PHOTO-SHOOT which is also shot by my best friend who I am currently living with and she's really getting into taking my pictures, We've got so many good shots too. Anyway this morning I woke up at 4:30 am thinking, "I'm not gonna spend this day worth a good day just to have a lazy day" and decided to take a shower in a cold morning, make a cup of tea to boost my energy and then put my favourite black leggings on and a sweater that is so comfy. So yeah we end up doing this and having a blast.

I know what you are thinking guys "why would you even wear a sweater in a hot day" guys, I know its hot, trust me but I just need to do this okay.

If you followed me on twitter you probably know by now that I met new friends but not literally 'met' so yeah they're really funny and just sweet, they're just like me who is obsessed on a youtuber and they are handling the street team for the famous Jack and Finn which is so cool because I am in love with those twins and I will probably attend the meet up if ever to support them. 

I actually do wanted to spill some beans on you guys, I know a lot of you are aware of bullying and teens committing suicide these days I mean I wouldn't be that surprise that this is happening and it really makes me feel sad that a lot of teens my age took their own life because of depression and feeling alone and feeling not good enough for this world, and I'm here to share with you guys on how I end up being so emotionally fragile person to a whole new strong and happy person, I know a lot of you guys will react like "thats impossible all your tweets are about 1D, happy quotes and books" i say DON'T judged me by my tweets because obviously I have my own problems too and conflict here and there and some people who keep sending me hate comments and insults but I didn't bother reading or answering them (don't worry) but what I'm trying to say is that you can always get through this, you can be happy again after all the things you have gone through. I always feel like a second choice but that was just in the past because I realise that it's not about being the first choice, no not at all I mean its good to be someone's priority and that they look up to you but I honestly think that its better to just be yourself and not think what other people say or what their opinion about you. It's your life live it like what you wanted, have fun and be young because in a matter of time everything will end like its never been there so why waste time? :)

And I actually don't focus on negative stuffs like they don't exist, because if you only focus on it, it will just make you sad and all depress I don't know I mean its ironic that teens are doing bad things and some are just doing what they want with their lives, I just think that its good to be always positive and having fun with your friends and family, having a quality time with them, I think thats a good idea to ease up a little after all the things that you've gone through. Or maybe talk to an adult if you're having a hard time or you have a serious problem, it's not a sign of weakness if you ask for help, everyone needs help sometimes even the strongest people. So I suggest keep off the internet, avoid the negative stuffs, go talk to your parents or friends, have fun, have a quality time with the one you loves, stay positive and live your life. It may not be that easy to do so, but I promise you everything's going to be okay.

hope you guys have a good school days, I'll be back next week maybe a new fashion blog? ooh ;)

Monday, 27 May 2013

Eye of the tiger

I rarely don't do this but I did anyway right? And it's been awhile since I wrote a blog so here I am sitting here, don't know what to write maybe because theres nothing to write at all. I'm still depress about the two events that I let passed this month first the 'Wanderland' and 'The Circuit Fest' but I promise myself that I won't let it happen again maybe the next wanderland event I'll be there with some of my close friends and just enjoy the indie bands that I will surely love since I have a taste of a little bit of jamming session on some 2 Door Cinema Club.

But thats really not the point of this blog, lately I've been receiving hate and rude comments on my account and I don't actually mind them but last week it really gets out of hand and it really does hurt me that some people actually think of me as a bad person which I highly think is not really true, I did my very best to be the person that I've always wanted to be and thats a girl who see good things in everything specially on people but lately some people proven me that not everyone can see good things in life and I pity those people, you can't fix yourself breaking someone else, you can only do good things for yourself which is to work hard achieving your goals in life not wasting time sending hate comments on someone behind those computer screen.

I think its pathetic how some people can actually do stuff or say stuff like that on someone, you don't know what they're going through yet you still send hate comments, thats nice of you. I already get through this kind of stuffs and I won't let it happen again, not this time that I know it'll break me. Those people who still send hate because of their shallow reasons and pathetic excuses, I hope you know how much words can hurt other people but I guess you'll never learn until it happens to you. But theres always a hope if you think you're not your best then work hard on being the best instead of lurking and sulking behind those screens and doing useless stuffs that you don't noticed can put someone else life in danger. Stop hating and start loving. There are a lot of good things that life has to offer to you and to everyone else who loses hope on getting better. You can always change, for better or worst in the end good things will come to you, you just need to learn in the hard way.

I know I'm not the very best person, I'm sarcastic all the time, I have my mood swings, I can be a bitch sometimes but thats only a little part of me that you know, so you can't actually judged me because of this, i know if you knew me personally maybe I can accept the fact that you hate me but you're a complete anon, and thats what hurt the most. 

I don't quite believe on explaining myself to an anon who clearly doesn't listen to me, but I do find my way out of trouble, recently I deactivated my account (this morning) and you know what i feel when I did? it feels great i don't know why but I know one thing for sure, I'm tired of explaining things to a strangers who don't have better things to do with their life than just sulking and hating, it is pretty obvious that I am pissed off but a nice person I am, I ignored some anon too and it really feels nice to have some of my close friends to talk to when in times like this. It just shows how love and hate can divide one person into a whole person (i hope you guys gets my drift there) 

I have better things to do than just to sit around and visit all these social networking sites so, yes I may deactivate my twitter and Facebook and some account that I have, I'll give myself some break to all this riot that are going on in every sites, but hopefully it will all get better soon.

People will send you hate and awful stuffs, calls you name and such but don't let it affect you. I don't take rude comments seriously because If I let it get to me then it won't go away and I'll just torture myself thinking about it which sometimes I do but I DON'T, because no matter what we do 'internet is still internet'. The Internet is a really big part of my life, I met so many people around the world who I've cherish and love as a friend, but sometimes you gotta do your own thing and start living. Real world awaits you, yes internet is all you can asked for but the thing is, it will not always be there for you It's magical and everything is digital but sometimes you gotta distance yourself. If someone is mean to you over the internet or send you hate and rude comments just ignore it and blocked the anon, don't waste your time on those kind people because once you do, you will only let a day passed by while you can live your life peacefully.

I know you guys sometimes misinterpret my sarcastic comments and such and I'm sorry for that, I have my mistakes but that doesn't mean you can take someone on pedestal and send hateful things on them. In a matter of times in the future you'll learn how things work over the internet and me, in such a young age have known what its like to be on the centre of someones life as a threat and I am also sorry for behalf of it. I always thought that maybe being anti-social is good but it's really not and I hope you guys understand that the fact that internet can damage you is a pretty obvious and serious problem.

I advice to all my readers who are experiencing cyberbullying, just blocked the anon or person and just ignored it like don't even think about it instead go out and have fun, live your life and start socialising with people, life is too short to waste it on people who clearly don't have anything to do. Always have fun and see good things in everything I promise it will all work out in the end, it always will. So long this turns out to be a rant and I'm sorry about that, I'll take a break from the internet for while. Bye guys i love you all xx

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Get too close

This is my first fashion blog which I promise to post as soon as I have a SLR and here I am ashamed to see your guys reaction to this which I think is kinda good? idk I'm sorry for my lack of post lately, I just had a lot of things that are going on with my normal boring life. 

We've taken a lot of photos and I only chosen 10, probably because I'm too awkward to all of it plus I don't even know how to post I just stand there and probably making a fool out of me but anyway I did post this fashion blog right? 

I've learned a few things this month that I wanted to share with you guys. First I learn that no matter how much effort you put on something maybe, just maybe it's really not meant to be the way you want it to be and sometimes things can only be achieve if you work hard on it. Second, think twice before you judged other people you don't know what they're going through. 

I'm sorry about my pose and face here, I just don't know how to post and as I said again and again I'll improve more and I really enjoyed doing this kind of thing.

I will try on doing this more, this is not really my thing but after this photo-shoot I quite frankly enjoyed it, the laugh and awkwardness makes this more perfect for me.

The upper photo is actually a stolen shot but i love it because it actually describe this post, - laughable and happiness throughout the whole pictures I found myself grinning more and more then back to my business face

That is all for today I hope you enjoy my quite messy outfit, I got my utility jacket in a thrift shop on Baguio and of course my infamous Doc Martens :) good day y'all