Hi, It's been awhile now since I posted a new blog nor write one as drafts. I don't know whether to tell all the things that I have experienced and learn through all those missed months of not blogging, shall I just go straight to the point and make this easier for us? Though I prefer to rant in here so hold on tight, because this will be a longggggggg post.
I have so many thoughts that needed to be opened up to everyone. Why do we label people? As if they're a brand. We're not a brand nor we are not words that people describe us. We're human being, we make mistakes, we cry, we laugh, we smile, in short we have our own emotions. Just because someone said you're not good enough doesn't mean you aren't. Just because someone told you to quit doesn't mean you should. Just because someone told you to open that door and never come back doesn't mean you should. Just because someone told you you're not worth it doesn't mean you aren't. You are more than those words that people use to define you, you are worth the love you are receiving, you are more than those people who can't do anything but dictate your life as if they got a hold of it. YOU are the only person who can control your life, your mind, and how to accept those criticism from other people BUT NEVER LET THEM DEFINE YOU.
We can't control what other people thinks of us, whether we like it or not, whether its good or bad. We can just go on with our life, move on, forgive people and be positive, because if you know who you really are then it shouldn't matter what anyone says.
You know what I think? People are like snowflakes at first glance its just a solid form of water but when you look closely enough, you'll learn to appreciate its own beauty. Thats like us, we humans tend to jump into conclusion basing people on the outside not even bothering to look closely enough and try hard enough to get to know the person first. I guess its human nature now, is it. We vindicate people as if we are the bigger person, we always say things that aren't meant to be said out loud and caused other people's pain. We never think about the consequence for speaking wrongly and unmannered to others. We always think that it would make us cool if we just be the badass to point out someone while our own fingers is not neat nor clean from mistakenly try to be perfect. If you don't have anything nice to say, its better to sealed shut your mouth.
Example, if you were in a crowded room with full of people you know, there will always be that one person who dislikes you. If its full of people who hates you, at least one person likes you. Thats the reality, we should accept it that not everyone will understand us, not everyone will like us. But don't focus on the negative side, let the people say what they want. They like you? GOOD , they don't like you? GOOD. You shouldn't based your happiness on other people specially let them put you down.
We see other people as friends, lover, sister and a stranger, does that mean we have a say in their life? No. As for you NO ONE HAS A SAY IN YOUR LIFE BUT YOU, ONLY YOU. You need to find your own common ground, you need to live your life and start living positively.
Have a great december lovely's :)
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