Sunday, 17 February 2013

Make a change

Every single day, children dies. Lack of sleep, lack of food to eat and shelter to go home, at the young age they have experience this circumstances, they struggle to live everyday even knowing that they can die any minute now because they don't have enough energy to live in place where all you see is people and land. no two story houses, no healthy food and no medicine while us on the other hand is living in the bliss of the wind, going out with friends, eat good foods, spend a lot of money, relax and sleep all day in a comfortable bed. Maybe we are the change

We, the people who can make a change can do something about it, instead of spending this plenty of money to waste maybe we can help those people who's in need, who struggle through tears and pain of living and to those who's worth a living. We all need to wake up from this beautiful dream with all rainbows and sunshine and we need to see the damage the we also cause. They need us, they pray for us, they smile for us even through pain, why can't we help them and do something for them.

Do something for the mankind, do something that will make you happy, do something that will MAKE A CHANGE.

This children need us, they need our love, they need our help. We should all open our eyes to see that theres a big hole in this life and we need to fix it, even the one piece of clothing can make a change, even one piece of bread can make a change. Seeing this children smile makes my heart swell, they look so bright even with those barefoot feet, those rug clothes they wear, they look happy.

I want to make a change, I want to save someones life, I maybe young and naive but i know I CAN we all can, no matter how much you tell me I'm too young I don't care, because all i need is to see this kid live their life with a big smile on their face even though it's a hard life because beautiful clothes, shinny shoes, soft bed and big house can't make you feel like your on the top of the world, what matters are the people who surround you and entertain you, we need to see the right deal out of life and this kid open a new perspective in mine, they made me see how important to live, how one death can cause and how sacrifice appreciated. They give me hope and I'll give them mine.

A text can make a difference (text 'yes' to +44 70005) or donate here ) its worth it.

Make a difference, make a change, save children's life. 

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